Showcase Gallery of Uniquely Generated Artwork
I believe there is a place in the art world for Ai generated art. Currently, the US Copyright office does not allow for Ai generated images to be copyrighted. I believe if the Ai generated art is UNIQUELY different than other works out there, it should be copyrightable. But, that’s just my opinion. And, if a currently pending bill in Congress passes, policies like this will become moot. (The pending bill disallows agencies to make rules that are interpreted as law. In other words, Congress is the ONLY entity that can create Federal laws. All of my images I share are unique to me. Many are based off photos (copyrighted) that I shot. Thus, they technically are a derivative work of my own work.
Ai art engines are tools, just like Corel Painter, Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, etc. In the physical medium world, people make mosaics from magazine photos, which is legal under copyright laws, and it does take talent. My first attempts at AI were UGLY. It has taken much practice to create images in Ai that are worth sharing publicly. Thus, it has taken practice, experience, and yes, talent.
I hope you will agree as you look at my Ai work.
This section will feature variations on a theme. Each set starts with a single image (noted when shown), and features the 3 or 4 different variations of that image in different styles.
May 29th, 2023 – Girl in a White Blouse
May 29th, 2023 – Girl on the Beach Wearing Orange
June 1st, 2023, From Statue to Painting
June 1st, 2023, Clothing a Statue
City Lights and City Nights – July 23, 2023